8 Modules Certification Intro Package
If you want to get a Certification from the Sedona School of Sacred Geometry, you can purchase below the Introductory Certification Package for $250 - (click on "Certification Package" in red). This will give you access to the full Introductory Cycle Package (8 Modules Intro Package) + access to an additional module (Intro Cycle Certification Module) containing home practices, study suggestions, a quiz to verify the quality of understanding for each of the 8 intro modules, and instructions for a short research paper. Certification students will be given a special email address to contact Aya/Staff and share questions, progress and comments...
AS A BONUS, we will also give you access to the new first module of the Intermediate Cycle, (SG201 on Music). Certification for the Intermediate Cycle will be offered in 2015.
Click on A Taste of Certification (also on Left Menu) for more info on Certification.

Certification Package
The option #4 is for dedicated Sacred Geometry students interested in the Certification Program. This option brings you:
1. Online access to download the 8 PDF modules of the Introductory Cycle: SG101 to SG108.
1,000+ pages and 2,000+ images.
2. Access to an additional module with study material, quizzes and certification info: the Certification Module.
3. BONUS online access to the first module of the Intermediate Cycle: SG201 (Music).
4. A personal email address for direct support, discussion of school paper and Q & A with Aya/Staff.
5. Upon completion of the study program, a certificate from the School of Sacred Geometry to your name.